Lily Luna Potter hangi binada?

Who is Lily Luna Potter’s godfather?

Sirius Black Later on, J.K. Rowling revealed their middle names: Lily Luna and James Sirius, named for Harry's friend Luna Lovegood and his godfather Sirius Black.

How is Lily Potter described?

Lily Evans Potter is seen as kind and caring person who stands up to bullies, including Lord Voldemort. Her friendship with Severus Snape was a close one, though Lily never loved Severus; this friendship ended when Severus called her a "mudblood", the most discriminatory name in the Wizarding world.

Why is Lily Luna Potter a half blood?

Harry is a half-blood because his mother is a muggle born. Unlike Ron and Draco, Harry's mother Lily comes from a muggle bloodline. She is magical but her parents haven't got a drop of magical bloodline in them.

Is Lily Luna Potter a squib?

Harry's daughter Lily isn't a Squib — the technical term for a wizard-born Muggle — she's just isn't old enough to go to Hogwarts yet.

Who married Louis Weasley?

Louis Weasley is a Half-Blood Wizard/Veela born to Pure-Blood wizard William Weasley and his Half-blood witch/ Veela wife Fleur Delecour….

Louis Weasley
Biographical information